CANDY HOUSE #techsavvydad Giveaway

CANDY HOUSE #techsavvydad giveaway

How will you celebrate Father’s Day this year? Golfing or fishing with dad? Taking dad to his favorite sports game? Or having a heart-to-heart conversation with him and learning about the wisdom he has to share?

How about sharing a story of your #techsavvydad and win a free Sesame smart lock as a Father’s Day gift?

Here at CANDY HOUSE, some of our favorite customer stories are about fathers: a father improving his family’s lives through smart home gadgets, a father gifting Sesame to his child leaving for college, and a grandson bonding with his grandfather over the joy of a keyless life.

Do you have some stories you’d like to share about your tech-savvy dad and how he’s changed your life? Or how he’s driving you crazy with way too many trendy gadgets? Or are you the #techsavvydad bringing IoT to the lives of your loved ones?

If so, we’d like to invite you to submit your own #techsavvydad story below! We’d love to inspire our followers with your stories, and as a thank-you to our contributors, we will be sending a free Sesame to one lucky winner.

Submit your story by June 18th for a chance to be featured on our Facebook and to win a free Sesame for the #techsavvydad in your life!

Questions? Comments? Email us at, or you can follow us and post on our Facebook and Twitter. We look forward to hearing from you!


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