Lock and Unlock Sesame with Google Sheets

By using the Sesame GSuite script, you can lock and unlock your Sesame from Google Sheets, and share access to your Sesame by sharing your Google Sheet!

You can find the code and instructions in this CANDY HOUSE Github repo: GSuite Script x Sesame API

Please note that you must have your Sesame linked to a Wi-Fi Access Point and you must have enabled cloud integrations in your Sesame settings.

Please also be sure to obtain your own device ID and API token and enter it in the script or else your script won't work!

For a tutorial on how to enable cloud integration, get your API token from the dashboard, and find your device ID using the Postman app, you can check out our Sesame API Tutorial.

If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to email sesame@candyhouse.co and we'll do our best to help you get your Sesame working with Google Sheets!

Have an integration you'd like to share with other Sesame fans? Let us know and we'll be sure to add it to our CANDY HOUSE Developer Site!


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